Conversations With My Child(ren)... A 2n1 Journal Book
I created this journal with you and your child(ren) in mind. Parenting is the world’s best gift God has allowed me a chance at. I am the proud parent of three children. My eldest two and I
grew up together; my youngest is now a young adult. To help I have relied on community as a tool to help me grow. Parenting has no real handbook, just advice, and information from people like me, who are passionate about this calling.
One of the best things I have learned across this parenting platform is that creating a space for chatter is important. My children can talk to me about anything. This is both a gift and a curse. A gift, if the space is healthy, wholesome, and full of hope and possibilities. A curse if you feel as if your way is the only way.
Take a breath and let that sink in.
I have learned through parenting that children are people too. Their voices do matter. We must give them that space. For us, the Roberts, we had rules. And they were followed. Each person contributed to the development of these rules. We settled on: “Honesty, listening for understanding, no judgment, giving each other space”. This was not always easy being their mother. To get me through took lots of work and practice. I will share my coping skills later in this journal.
This journal is designed to create conversations between two people, hoping to strengthen their relationship. There are two sections for explorations. The first helps each to personally
reflect on behaviors and emotions that they experience. The second section consists of open-ended questions allowing each space to reflect on what means the most to them.